Friday, April 27, 2018

Electrician’s tips on rewiring a period home

Preserving details while ensuring safety


There are ways to rewire an old home without doing much damage. (Photo Credits)

Some homeowners hesitate about rewiring their older, classic homes because of the damage that it may bring to their home structure. After all rewiring run through walls and even ceilings and most of these may affect the classic details of period homes.

Fortunately, there are new techniques electricians implement to rewire a home without being too invasive. The website Old House Online for instance shared tips on how to rewire a period property with just minimal damage. Builders and Contractors

"First and foremost, it's critical to understand that you're dealing with an older building—and if keeping the structure of that building relatively intact is your top priority, you need to say so up front. Chances are you may have to pay a little extra to protect your building, but a few preventive dollars and hours can save big sums spent on restoring battered walls and weakened structures."

(Related Post: Electrician's Tip 0n Resetting Circuit Breakers  )

Check out their ten tips here.

Less damage to walls

Fine Homebuilding also came up with advice for property owners who are looking at rewiring their period property. In an article, they posted their experience in restoring an older home, and how they were able to overcome the challenges that came with it. Electricians   

"In March, I did a full-house rewiring of a 1920s two-story house that has a flat roof and a 1-ft. crawlspace. Without an attic or viable crawlspace for running wires, the job looked like a lengthy exercise in opening the walls, drilling studs and then patching the walls. To complicate matters even further, the walls were plaster over wood lath. All the drilling was bound to damage the existing plaster, which was still in good shape. "

(Related Post: Electrician's advice on Electrical Burns )

The continuation of this article can be found here.

Related Electrical Repair and Installation Services:

Home improvement website Real Homes also came up with advice on how to make rewiring less invasive such that details of older homes would not get damaged.

"Unfortunately fitting new cabling and sockets is disruptive to a home's fabric, so try to have  electrics work carried out at the early stages of renovating or refurbishing, and at the same time as any central heating or plumbing alterations. It's best if you can move out when the work is taking place. The best way to approach electrical work in old properties is to consign as much as possible of the installation out of view in nonsensitive areas (ancillary rooms or voids such as floor cavities) to minimise its physical and visual impact."

Take a look at the rest of the advice here.

Period homes indeed can still be safe through rewiring.

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The post Electrician's tips on rewiring a period home appeared first on GforceElectric.

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